With the DGT’s PSIAP, 21 Tax Business Processes Are Subject to Changes

Redaksi DDTCNews
Selasa, 26 Juli 2022 | 13.04 WIB
With the DGT’s PSIAP, 21 Tax Business Processes Are Subject to Changes

Information from DGT concerning PSIAP. 

JAKARTA, DDTCNews – A number of tax business processes will be subject to changes with the update of the core tax administration system (Pembaruan Sistem Inti Administrasi Perpajakan, hereinafter referred to as PSIAP).

Through a post on Instagram, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) states that the tax reform program continues through the construction of a new tax administration system and business processes. This measure is undertaken through PSIAP.

“The DGT currently continues the tax reform program by establishing a new tax administration system and business processes to support service performance and connectivity for taxpayers,” the DGT wrote in its post, quoted on Tuesday (26/7/2022).

A minimum of 21 business processes have been subject to changes, including registration, management of Tax Returns, payments, taxpayer account management (TAM), taxpayer services, third-party data processing, exchange of information (EoI) and data quality management (DQM).

Next, there is the document management system (DMS), business intelligence (BI), compliance risk management (CRM), assessment, supervision, extensibility, audit, collection, intelligence, investigation, objection and appeal, non-objection and knowledge management system.

PSIAP is a redesign and reengineering project of business processes of tax administration through the construction of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)-based information system as well as the revamping of the tax database.

The tax system, therefore, becomes convenient, reliable, integrated, accurate and certain for service optimisation, supervision and law enforcement.

The DGT describes at least 5 underlying reasons for the PSIAP. First, the obsolete technology. Second, reduced infrastructure resilience. Third, not all business processes are covered. Fourth, increased data access and management burdens. Fifth, the latest developments in the digital world.

The DGT outlines that the PSIAP offers various benefits. Benefits for taxpayers include the availability of taxpayer accounts on the DGT portal, higher quality of services, reduced potential disputes and minimisation of compliance costs.

Further, the benefits of the PSIAP for the DGT’s employees include system integration, reduced manual work, more productive performance and increased capabilities.

Next, for the DGT agency, the PSIAP will establish credibility and trust. DGT will be a more accountable agency. Moreover, compliance increases. Organisational performance and employees’ capabilities will also improve.

For stakeholders, the PSIAP will produce real-time and valid data. Simultaneously, the quality of tasks and functions will also be enhanced.

The PSIAP timeline includes the high-level design (January—March 2021), detailed design (April—September 2021), build, test, & training (June 2021—May 2023), deploy (October 2023) and support (January—December 2024). (kaw)


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